Experimental, inspired by ipfs, did:peer and keri


See also (related topics):


Each did method uses its own way to implement decentralized identity. Most of them are based on a public source of truth such as a blockchain, dlt, database or similar. Others are simple, self-describing methods and don’t depend on any ledger technology e.g. did:peer, did:key, keri. Each method has its own pros and cons with respect to design-goals.

IDP2P Solution

IDP2P is a peer-to-peer identity protocol which enables a controller to create, manage and share its own proofs as well as did documents. The protocol is based on libp2p, in other words, it can be considered ipfs of decentralized identity. IDP2P has following features:

Consensus Mechanism

When an identity event has occured, the change is published over the idp2p network. All subscribers verify the new change and update their own ledger (if they consider the incoming change to be suitable).

There are two pub-sub commands:


An identity is also a topic to subscribe to (i.e. the ledger is based on subscription)



An idp2p identity includes a unique identifier, a microledger, and a DID document.

    "id": "did:p2p:bagaaieratxin4o3iclo7ua3s3bbueds2uzfc5gi26mermevzb2etqliwjbla",
    "microledger": {},
    "document": {}

id is the unique identifier of identity. It uses id generation like did:peer. id should be generated in the following way:

sample id: bagaaieratxin4o3iclo7ua3s3bbueds2uzfc5gi26mermevzb2etqliwjbla

The microledger represents backing storage of the identity and it includes id, inception, and events for the identity

    "inception": {},
    "events": []

inception includes keyType, next, and recovery public key digests

  "keyType": "Ed25519VerificationKey2020",
  "nextKeyDigest": "<base32 value of next public key digest",
  "recoveryKeyDigest": "<base32 value of recovery public key digest"

events is array of identity changes wherein each event is linked to the previous one. The first event is linked inception block.


    "payload": {
      "previous": "<inception-hash>",
      "signerKey": "by5gtwpufy4zfnog4j..",
      "nextKeyDigest": "by5gtwpufy4zfnog4j..",
      "change": {
        "type": "SetDocument",
        "value": "bdu3gqtjc6ks52.."
      "timestamp": 1642418658
    "proof": "bx6svqb6if5yaflgoumdff7j.."

There are three event types:

did_doc is described in DIDs Spec. Only the latest document is stored in the identity.

    "id": "did:p2p:bagaaieratxin..",
    "controller": "did:p2p:bagaaieratxi..",
    "@context": [
    "verificationMethod": [...],
    "assertionMethod": ["did:p2p:bagaaieratxib#wtyb2xhyvxolbd.."],
    "authentication": ["did:p2p:bagaaieratxib#3txadadmtke6d.."],
    "keyAgreement": ["did:p2p:bagaaieratxib#cnzphk5djc3bt64.."]

Full example

    "id": "did:p2p:bagaaieratxin4o3iclo7ua3s3bbueds2uzfc5gi26mermevzb2etqliwjbla",
    "microledger": {
        "inception": {
            "keyType": "Ed25519VerificationKey2020",
            "nextKeyDigest": "by5gtwpufy4..",
            "recoveryKeyDigest": "bmb2cvioxfy65ej.."
        "events": [
                "payload": {
                    "previous": "bagaaieratxin4o3iclo7u..",
                    "signerKey": "by5gtwpufy4zfnog4j..",
                    "nextKeyDigest": "b2wvipekepehi..",
                    "change": {
                        "type": "SetDocument",
                        "value": "bdu3gqtjc6ks52.."
                    "timestamp": 1642418658
                "proof": "bx6svqb6if5yaflgoumdff7j.."
                "payload": {
                    "previous": "bagaaieratxin4o3iclo7u..",
                    "signerKey": "by5gtwpufy4zfnog4j..",
                    "nextKeyDigest": "b2wvipekepehi..",
                    "change": {
                        "type": "SetProof",
                        "key": "bnnsxs",
                        "value": "bozqwy5lf"
                    "timestamp": 1642418658
                "proof": "bwltjvobkxxq6.."
                "payload": {
                    "previous": "bagaaieratxin4o3iclo7u..",
                    "signerKey": "by5gtwpufy4zfnog4j..",
                    "nextKeyDigest": "b2wvipekepehi..",
                    "change": {
                        "type": "Recover",
                        "keyType": "Ed25519VerificationKey2020",
                        "recoveryKeyDigest": "bcut3s....."
                    "timestamp": 1642418658
                "proof": "b3yo6vlymyn.."
    "document": {
        "@context": [
        "id": "did:p2p:bagaaieratxin..",
        "controller": "did:p2p:bagaaieratxi..",
        "verificationMethod": [],
        "assertionMethod": [
        "authentication": [
        "keyAgreement": [




The idp2p protocol and implementations are both work in progress.

Contributions are most welcome.


Apache License 2.0